
The galleon is a sailing vessel used since the early 16th century. Galleons were powerful and very slow warships which could equally be used for trade or war. In the mid-16th century, they became the main trading ships of European countries, and later types of small warships were based on their design.
The galleon was a large vessel, slimmer than a nao, with three masts, a smaller forecastle and a higher aftercastle. Galleons served as merchantmen or warships and carried artillery on one or two decks. In capacity they ranged from 300 to 600 tons. Because of their cargo capacity and their ability to defend themselves, they became the main vessels used in the West Indies Trade Route from the end of the 16th century until the beginning of the 18th century.
Image: Rafael Monleón y Torres, National Library of Spain
In our database
Galleon San Agustin (1595)
Galleon which departed Manila (PHL) bound for Acapulco (MEX). She sunk in California in 1595 due to a storm. This ship captained by Sebastián Rodriguez Cermeño carried eastern ceramics, gold bullion, silver ingots, wax and silk. She belonged to The Manila Galleon.
San Juan de Ulúa (1559)
Galleon which departed Veracruz (MEX) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1559 due to a storm. Captained by Pedro Andonasgui. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
Nuestra Señora de Balvaneda, aka Infante (1733)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1733 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Domingo de Lnz carried coins, eastern ceramics, mexican ceramics, hides and skins, vanilla, citrus fruits and dyes. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
El Gallo Indiano (1733)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1733 due to a hurricane. She carried coins, copper ingots, dyes, vanilla and eastern ceramics. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
Rubi Segundo (1733)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Cadiz (ESP). She sunk in Florida in 1733 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Baltasar de la Torre carried gold bullion, vanilla, tobacco, dyes, silver coins and indigo. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
San Andrés (1555)
Galleon which departed Panama (PAN) bound for Cadiz (ESP). She sunk in Florida in 1555 due to a hurricane. Captained by Cosme Rodríguez Farfán. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
San Esteban (1554)
Galleon which departed Veracruz (MEX) bound for Spain. She sunk in Texas in 1554 due to a storm. This ship captained by Francisco del Huerto carried cochineal, coins, hides and skins, sugar, eastern ceramics and riches.
Espíritu Santo (1554)
Galleon which departed Veracruz (MEX) bound for Spain. She sunk in Texas in 1554 due to a storm. This ship captained by Damián Martin carried coins, riches and gold bullion.
Santa Maria de Yciar (1554)
Galleon which departed Veracruz (MEX) bound for Spain. She sunk in Texas in 1554 due to a storm. This ship captained by Alonso Ojos carried coins, riches and gold bullion.
San Ignacio (1571)
Galleon which departed Acapulco (MEX) bound for Cadiz (ESP). She sunk in Florida in 1571 due to a storm. This ship captained by Juan de Canavas carried riches.
Santa Maria de la Limpia Concepción (1571)
Galleon which sunk in Florida in 1571 due to a storm.
San Martín, aka Almiranta de Honduras (1618)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Cadiz (ESP). She sunk in Florida in 1618 due to a hurricane.
Santa Margarita (1622)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Cadiz (ESP). She sunk in Florida in 1622 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Bernardino de Lugo carried riches, gold bullion, silver ingots and eastern ceramics. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Nuestra Señora de Atocha (1622)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1622 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Jacome de Veider carried weapons, eastern ceramics, gold bullion, silver ingots, pearls and precious stones. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Nuestra Señora del Rosario (1622)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1622 due to a hurricane. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Nuestra Señora de la Regla, San Dimas y San Francisco Javier (1715)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1715 due to a hurricane. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
Santo Cristo de San Román, Nuestra Señora del Rosario y San José (1715)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1715 due to a hurricane. She carried riches. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San Antonio de Padua (1715)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1715 due to a hurricane. She carried riches and weapons. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Nuestra Señora del Rosario y San Francisco Javier, aka Chaves (1715)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1715 due to a hurricane. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
Notre Dame de Deliverance (1755)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in Florida in 1755 due to a hurricane. She carried gold bullion, silver ingots and riches.
Santo Domingo (1606)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1606 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Diego Ramírez carried riches. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, aka La Ninfa (1750)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in North Carolina in 1750 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Manuel Molviedo carried riches, gold bullion, silver ingots, sugar, hides and skins, cochineal, indigo, tobacco, cotton, cocoa and spices.
Nuestra Señora de los Godos, aka Arrinton (1750)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Cadiz (ESP). She sunk in North Carolina in 1750 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Pedro de Pumarejo & Francisco Ortiz carried riches, silver ingots, cochineal, vanilla, cotton, sugar, hides and skins, logwoog and indigo.
Unknown Florida 05 (1630)
Galleon which sunk in Florida in 1630. Captained by Antonio de Oteiza. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Capitana (1563)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1563 due to a storm. Captained by Juan Menéndez de Avilés. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
Santa Clara (1564)
Galleon which departed Cartagena de Indias (COL) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1564 due to a storm. Captained by Juan Díaz Bocino.
Santa María de los Remedios (1559)
Galleon which sunk in The Bahamas in 1559 due to a storm.
Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas (1656)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1656 due to a storm. This ship captained by Matías Orellana carried riches. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Nuestra Señora de Begoña (1606)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1606 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Pedro Muñoz carried riches. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
San Ambrosio (1606)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1606 due to a hurricane. This ship captained by Martín Ormaechea carried riches. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
San Roque (1606)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1606 due to a hurricane. Captained by Ruy López. She belonged to The Tierra Firme Fleet.
Santa Gertrudis (1628)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1628 due to a storm. She carried riches. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
San Ignacio (1628)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1628 due to a storm. She carried riches and silver ingots. She belonged to The Nueva España Fleet.
San Juan Evangelista (1714)
Galleon which departed Veracruz (MEX) bound for Santo Domingo (DOM). She sunk in The Bahamas in 1714 due to a hurricane. She carried riches. She belonged to The Armada de Barlovento.
Santiago el Grande (1765)
Galleon which departed Havana (CUB) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1765. She carried gold bullion and silver ingots.
Santo Cristo de Burgos, aka Beeswax (1693)
Galleon which departed Manila (PHL) bound for Acapulco (MEX). She sunk in Oregon in 1693. She carried wax, eastern ceramics and silk. She belonged to The Manila Galleon. 231 people lost their lives.