Santo Domingo (DOM)

Santo Domingo (DOM)

Santo Domingo, Nicolás de Cardona, 1632, Biblioteca Nacional

This is the oldest port in the New World, located on the island of Hispaniola (La Española), which was the first Spanish territory in the New World. This was the first active port and the place where the population of La Isabela, the first settlement founded by Columbus, moved to.

Officials of the Casa de Contratación (House of Trade) of Seville settled here and the Atarazana, the customs house that was to operate in the new world, was built soon after at the behest of the Catholic Monarchs. Many explorers departed from this port in search of new lands.

Ships sailing from Santo Domingo (DOM)

  1. Buen Jesús (1520)

    Ship of unknown type which departed Santo Domingo (DOM) bound for Spain. She sunk in South Carolina in 1520. This ship captained by Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón carried gold bullion, silver ingots and pearls.

  2. San Cristóbal (1563)

    Nao which departed Santo Domingo (DOM) bound for Spain. She sunk in The Bahamas in 1563. This ship captained by Rodrigo Alonso carried gold bullion and silver ingots.

Ships bound for Santo Domingo (DOM)

  1. San Juan Evangelista (1714)

    Galleon which departed Veracruz (MEX) bound for Santo Domingo (DOM). She sunk in The Bahamas in 1714 due to a hurricane. She carried riches. She belonged to The Armada de Barlovento.